Recently this month has been a really chaotic month I think because of our government problems, politics, and other event that been accuse by many things. For me it is quite hard to know well the true story behind of it. What we can share is that there were many version side of story and its really hard to know which one is the truth.
By the way, I'm here not to tell whose side that I am, it is just an opinion from me based on my reading and my understanding about the situation at that time, what the rally is all about, why the rally been held and more. First the purpose and the intention of the rally is clear enough I think but for me the organizer of it just couldn't held it well and more organize.This is because the aim of the rally so far is not to cause any problematic or chaos situation, but it turns up very messy because of many cos. In the end, what we can see after the rally is more about the negative than positive impact that the organizer always shout about it.
What that I can conclude here, in my opinion, the rally that happened last Saturday is a total failure because of the negative impact that really makes more people trapped in danger than the positive impression that they expected in their motive of the rally at first.
p/s : I know Malaysia is a democratic country, a rally is accept in democratic country, but is the other better
ways than this for us Malaysian to express our feeling?
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